Lost Horizon


Lost Horizon looks to create a global virtual reality venue as a digital twin to a real life venue located in Bristol.

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Case Study

A Virtual Reality Clubbing Experience

In the rapidly evolving landscape of entertainment and immersive technology, the team at Unusual Technologies embarked on a unique project: creating a virtual replica of Lost Horizon, the beloved club in Bristol. This virtual club would be accessible to anyone, anywhere, through virtual reality headsets, allowing people to engage in live interactions within its virtual twin. We will explore how this innovative project came to life, the motivations behind it, and the meticulous process undertaken by the team.

A view of the main party space in the virtual reality Lost Horizon club

Lost Horizon - A Metaverse Creation

Its grand debut came in the form of a two-day, four-stage festival that captivated an astounding 4.36 million individuals. The festival showcased virtual renditions of renowned Shangri-La stages, such as SHITV and the Gas Tower. As the journey progressed, Lost Horizon expanded its horizons by venturing into the realm of physical venues, while retaining its hybrid virtual reality capabilities. Today, it proudly stands as the world’s largest virtual reality music and arts venue, seamlessly blending the digital and physical realms.

The Lost Horizon logo on the space in Bristol

Creating The Digital Twin

We specialise in blending entertainment with immersive technology, and this project presented an exciting opportunity to push the boundaries even further. Leveraging the power of Unity, the team set out to create an entire club within the realm of virtual reality. This standalone platform would not only accommodate guests but also foster a network of digital twins—highly detailed, interactive, and three-dimensional replicas of real-world venues.

A view of the DJ booth inside the club, with the unqiue psychedelic decoration.

The Vision: Bridging Gaps & Fostering Accessibility

The driving force behind the creation of the Lost Horizon Virtual Club was to provide people with unprecedented access to live streams and bands from all around the world. By entering the virtual space as avatars, audiences would have the opportunity to socialise, meet new people, and experience live music venues. The ultimate goal was to leverage technology to enhance accessibility to real-world culture, eliminating the barriers of distance and cost that often hinder such experiences.

The scene as you approach the club from the outside world.

The Collaborative Effort

Unusual Technologies meticulously set up the virtual environment, ensuring a 360-degree view that would awe and immerse the players. The integration of cutting-edge motion technology added an extra layer of realism, allowing users to feel truly present in the digital realm.

A perspective of the club warehouse in the street view.

Crafting Realistic Avatars & Digital Twins

The Unusual Technologies team engaged experienced designers to create avatars and virtual copies of real people, striving for utmost realism. Every detail was carefully considered, from the way avatars moved and interacted with the environment to the nuances of their appearance and behaviour. The result was a digital twin that captured the essence of Lost Horizon and its vibrant atmosphere, inviting visitors to embark on a captivating journey within the virtual club.

Our Take!

The creation of the Lost Horizon Virtual Club stands as a testament to the power of immersive technology and its potential to reshape the way we experience and interact with the world. In collaboration with talented developers and designers, a virtual space was born, where individuals from all walks of life can come together, enjoy live music, and forge new connections. This project exemplifies the boundless opportunities that lie at the intersection of entertainment and technology, and it paves the way for a future where accessibility knows no bounds. So put on your virtual reality headset and step into the Lost Horizon Virtual Club — your unforgettable adventure awaits!

CEO Of Lost Horizon- Robin's Testimonial