Friendly Fox Adventures


Friendly Fox Adventures is an outdoor experience that augments green spaces with inspiring characters, stories and objectives to encourage exploration and learning.

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Case Study


We aimed to make an app targeted at kids that encourages outdoor play. The design challenge was getting kids away from the screen with the help of a screen. We aimed to use the familiarity of an app to get them outside and setup games that they would play in the real world. Additionally, we utilised AI to further ease them away from the screen and into appreciating what is around them.

How It Plays

AR action is triggered by a series of markers in the real world, forming an interactive trail that provides an exciting alternative to typical outdoor play.

Players need to complete a series of tasks that immerse them in nature, learning about what they find and becoming more aware of the need to look after the environment on the way.


When designing the app we kept in mind that we were targeting children. Therefore, we focussed on both keeping it educational and interactive, we also explored environmental factors. We made sure to have lots of colour and interactive objectives for the kids to work through. We gave everything a ‘cartoony’ and playful appearance to keep kids engaged and keen to try out more trails in the future.

Friendly Fox Adventures Objectives

Friendly Fox Adventures weaves imaginative tales into our most treasured outdoor spaces, making the wilderness both a classroom and a playground. At the heart of this unique venture is the belief that learning and exploration should be interactive, enjoyable, and interwoven with the natural world around us.

Through a series of creatively constructed quests, we have created an experience composed of multiple different objectives that seamlessly connect to each other in any order while remaining modular for future expansion.


Current Objective types:

– Scan animals

– Watch videos

– Take pictures

– Timer

– Text-based

– Listening

– Helping the environment



We have joined up with a number of different nature trail organisations and private farmers to create unique individual apps for various locations with their own set of unique animals and quest objectives using our quest system.

Our Take

The creation of Friendly Fox Adventures has opened us up to the
possibilities of how technology, education, and the environment can all
be combined to make an enjoyable and playful experience for people of
all ages. It provides significant benefits by encouraging them to go out
on nature trails and help the environment more.
